Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Give it to God

Right before we got married, I found out that I had PCOS.  That is Poly cystic Ovarian Syndrom.  I was fine with it until they informed me that I may never be able to have children.  The doctors wanted to put me on some medicine to help me get better.  I started the medicine in October.  The medicine and my body didn't get along very well.  November... tried new medicine...I missed Thanksgiving.  December...I was on the floor with a blanket while everyone celebrated.  January...I missed New Year's.  I went back to the doctor and advised the doctor that the dose I took in December was it.  My body just couldn't handle it.  The doctor  talked to me about ovarian drilling.  I hoping the name was worse than the surgery asked what that meant and he advised that is where they take a drill and drill holes in your ovaries. Not much different than the name.  I decided to go ahead and have the surgery in February.  As the day got closer...I wondered if I was making the right decision.  But in the end of January, I was at work and was bent over in severe pain and didn't think I was going to make it.  I couldn't get my husband on the phone, so my parents rushed me to the doctor who agreed to see me immediately.  The doctor found that I had 2 cyst on my ovary and put me on bed rest for a week.  I had pain medicine to take, and I was to come back in a month to see if they had gotten any smaller or were they going to have to do surgery.  But we knew the ovarian drilling was off for now, and that it would be a year before I would probably be able to look into the starting a family.  I was seceretly happy that I didn't have to make the decision to not do the surgery.  I didn't want to be a whimp. Ranita and I spent many nights praying for God to guide us in His plan and if the surgery was the thing to do to give me the strength and if not to please show us. The month passed, and I had no energy, was nauseated all the time, and my pants were starting to get tight, which I didn't understand since I was not really eating.  The lady did the ultra sound and was taking forever.  She told me there was a 3rd cyst, but there was also 2 babies.  I thinking that I must have fallen asleep and was dreaming asked her to please repeat that.  She said it again and time slowed down and all I heard was sounds but no words.  I think she saw the shock and said look.  Let me show you your babies.  I stared at the screen thinking I have to be dreaming.  Then my next thought was....I only have about and hour to come up with a creative way to tell Ranita that we are not only pregnant, but we are having 2.  I didn't know what to do with myself.  I then went to talk to the doctor and he informed me that I was 8 weeks pregnant.  The nurses couldn't believe that I didn't call my husband, but I really felt it needed to be in person and he needed to be sitting down for this conversation.  I mean we had just called his parents a few days before and told them that I couldn't have children.  Oops.

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