Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Enter at Your Own Risk

The picture above shows how I used to cook on the right and how I now cook on the left.  I have learned that my husband’s culture is  way more sociable than my culture.  Don’t get me wrong.  Before him, I had friends over and hung out.  I found out that I just thought that I was sociable.  I mean, I was always out, but it was nothing compared to now.  My husband made the comment the other night asking how it always happens that when we invite 2 people over for dinner 20 shows up.  I have often wondered that myself.  I have told him on numerous times if we ever build a house, I want a very large dining room and kitchen.  The rest of the house we can figure out, but I need a large dining room table where at least 30 people can fit.  I really don’t care what the table looks like or even if the chairs match, I just need a place for all of us to sit.  Over the years, I have had my husband come over at half time of a soccer game and inform me the entire team is coming over to eat after the game.  I immediately  leave to go prepare a meal for the team and their families.  Or another example is for our wedding, we gave out 225 invitations, but 425 people showed up.  I knew to be prepared and we were.  For years, I would fix Christmas dinner and 50 people would show up in my one bedroom apartment to eat.  We were sitting on top of each other, but it was fun.  As you can see,  I have always been able to adapt to culture, but I must say now that we have twins it is a little harder.  I have always been particular about my house being clean when people come over.  If I don’t know you are coming, I can’t guarantee how the house will look.  However, I am very picky about the house for others to see. (Elizabeth, Stacey H. and Laura…you don’t count)  Now it seems that it is impossible to keep the house clean.  And it is a little harder to try to prepare a meal quickly when both babies need to be fed at the same time, and then demand to be held for a little bit.    Not to mention, how fast the dirty bottles stack up or the diaper genie fills up, or the burp clothes and bibs get thrown around all over.  There is this one couple that shows up at the worst times.  They tend to visit at least once a week if not more.  Like their last visit.  My husband didn’t have work for the day, so he stayed home with the babies.  He did some laundry.  He folded it and put it on the couch and when I got home I started putting it up.  I got most of it put up then the babies needed to be fed and then Victoria needed to be held.  I am afraid her father has spoiled her a little bit.  So after holding her and finally getting her asleep, I was exhausted.  I had been up since 3:00 that morning, and I decided I was going to bed.  It was already 9 pm.   I knew that I would have to get up with David at 1:30 and then be up for the day by 4.  I had just gotten settled in bed, and I heard it… the doorbell.  Now, I knew that I wasn’t expecting anyone, and I wasn’t getting up.  But then ..he did it.…he opened the door.  Several hours later my husband came to bed and informed me that the laundry that didn’t get put up was our underwear.  He said he was a little embarrassed that they had to move it to sit on the couch.  Now all I have to say is, if you come to my house uninvited and show up that late, it isn’t my fault what you might find.  You are always welcome at my home, but if I don’t know you are coming…enter at your own risk. 

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