Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dia de los muertos

I want the twins to know about both cultures, so we try to participate in what we can. The majority of Ranita's family doesn't really participate in Dia de los muertos, but we wanted them to know about it, what it is, and the meaning behind it. So we saw that there was a festival down town. After I got off work, we dressed the twins in their skeleton pjs and headed out. It was neat to see the displays and I think they like the lights. There was a parade that we got to see from the bridge and their was live music. I think my favorite part was watching Ranita and the twins dancing. They were laughing and having a really good time. And I loved see that Ranita didn't care who was around, but that he was totally in the moment with the twins-dancing and laughing....celebrating. With all the skeletons, and memorials around us, they were celebrating and enjoying life. It was one of the sweetest things I have ever seen! He is a great father, and I hope we always remember to not worry about who is around, but to enjoy our time with our 2 precious gifts to the fullest.

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