Monday, April 1, 2013

20 Months Old Update

Food-So they both love Mexican food.  Beans, rice and tortillas.  Victoria can eat a whole avocado and bowl a guacamole by herself.  They also enjoy cheese dip.  The other night David ate several tostadas with pico de gallo on it. We haven’t found anything that they won’t eat.  They both love fruit.  They like breakfast burritos.  We have two good eaters on our hands. I am thankful for that.

Likes-Victoria prefers to speak Spanish.  She is a true daddy’s girl.  David prefers English. He is a momma’s boy.  Victoria will repeat every word you say.  David and Victoria’s favorite song to sing is Old McDonald Had a Farm.  They both love to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Caillou, and the movie Tangled.  David loves Thomas the train as well. David loves to play ball and everything round or not is thrown across the room like a ball.  David also loves to push cars around.  David and Victoria both love the rocking horse and the kitchen.  Victoria likes to color and David like to put the crayons in and out of the box.  They both love they little stuffed animals or big animals.  Especially the dogs and rabbits.  David likes to bark and hop. Victoria likes to make faces and point at her eyes, ears, nose, hair, tummy, feet, and mouth.  They both like to blow kisses.  They both love their grandmommy and granddaddy very much.  David will act like his granddaddy all the time.  He will get up in granddaddies chair and act just like him.  They both love grandmommy’s ipad.  They both also like to play the night night/wake-up game.  They both enjoy mommy and daddies iphone a lot too.  David has learned how to lock mommy out of her cell phone several times. J  They will also hand me the phone and want to facetime with someone. 

David loves his Easter shoes when we got them.  He wanted to wear them all day long.

They both like to be outside, but David will stand at the door and knock on the door and try everything to escape.  And he has gotten pretty good at opening doors.  They both love to climb and they both love their gymnastics class. 

Lovies-David still loves his pacifier.  We lost 2 monkeys and the third he bit thru the pacifier on it.  So now he takes anyone he can find in the house.  Girlie or not.  He will give them up to only use when sleeping now, or when really tired or sick.  Victoria is in love with her dog.  Our friend Laura gave it to her for her first Christmas.  It is purple names Violet.  It talks and sings to her.  We just have one little problem.  Victoria likes to use the ears to suck on and this is not an easy thing to wash.  She refuses to sleep without her dog and she has gotten very attached to it. 

This past 20 months has been incredible.  I am amazed at how independent these two are, and how caring and loving they are.  Don’t get me wrong, they have their times they fight.  And they both can out run us in different directions I might add.  But they are so much fun.  I am amazed at how fast they learn something.  I know that their grandmommy and granddaddy has taught them so much.  I love all the laughs, smiles and kisses that they so freely give.  I love that they love to meet people, and enjoy Church.  I am so happy that they are already learning to pray.  I know that God has so many things in store for them, and I am so thankful that I got to be a part of the plan.  I look forward to each day and another minute to spend with my sweet family.   I am looking forward to this July, when they will get to meet their other grandparents and family in Mexico for the first time in person.  We have applied for passports and bought plane tickets.  We are ready to go.

Now, if anyone would like to finance my family so I could be a stay at home mom, just let me know.  I am sure we could work something out. J

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