Friday, January 20, 2012

So as most of you know, I had pretty much quit cooking when I got pregnant and then the babies were here, and then….. (insert any excuse and it will work.)  Well last night, I decided to stop that trend.  I have been working on our budget and eating out is just not in it.  I have been thinking of ways to cut our budget, and I started thinking about coupons.  See, we love the $5 off Similac coupons.  When we are buying 2 different kinds and use two coupons that saves $10 at a time.  Then we starting using pampers coupons.  Sometimes it doesn’t sound like much…but when you add it up over a month, it saves a lot.  I will never become a crazy coupon lady.  I don’t have the time or patience.  I barely can get shopping in at one store much less going to all different stores.  So, I am ok with the fact that I don’t save as much as I could, but I save when I can.  I decided to find out what was on sale at the grocery store, and plan my menu around that.  I have mostly new recipes for this week (low fat/low carb), but I made my husband take part in the decision.  So we planned our menu for 2 weeks.  We made our grocery list.  And I guess I do shop at two stores, because we found that the veggies (i.e..tomatillos, jalapeños, onions, etc.) are much cheaper at the Mexican grocery store.  So we made our two list and headed off to the stores.  I made a menu, and put it on the fridge.  I have it  listed by days, but I have informed my husband that the day doesn’t really matter, just mark off the meal as it has been made.  I also put all the recipes in the drawer by the fridge, so if I am not going to make it home in time, my husband can start the meal and we will stay on track.  He agreed to this plan.    So back to the cooking…last night I was going to make Chicken and Sausage Gumbo.  I had gotten the crock pot out, and started cooking the chicken.  Then it happened…..I dropped a bowl and broke the crock pot.  So no worries, I got out the smaller crock pot.  Started again….after several items being dropped,  my husband came into the kitchen and advised he wanted to introduce me to gravity.  I told him he better watch it or he would be cooking. J  I finished the meal, and my husband advised it was a keeper.  I am not so sure that we saved money on this cooked at home meal by the time I replace the broken crock pot and other various dropped items.  But it was a start.  And for all of you out there…yes , it is possible to break a crock pot.  Here is my proof. J

1 comment:

  1. Bummer on the crock pot!! Menu planning has always been on my list of "things I really want to start doing, but never do." It really would save... I just need to sit down and do it. I hate working all day and then coming home to cook. Blah!!
